Living most of my days alongside three preschoolers always makes for an interesting, exhausting, and fun day. You never know what you will see!
Here's Melia finding a way to occupy her time. She is such a content little girl. My bigger kids have easily learned the definition of content because we use it all of the time to describe this happy-doing-whatever-we-are-doing girl we have been blessed with.

Melia is now 11 months old and quickly approaching the one year mark! What a big girl. She has definitely mastered the art of crawling, recently got her 3rd tooth, and eats big girl food like a champ. She's also starting to stand on her own and is always quick to give a scrunched-face smile!

Her biggest fans are still her big brother and big sister. They listen intently to the baby monitor all morning until they finally hear the sounds of her stirring in her crib. Then it is a mad dash to get in there and say hello to her. It was all too quiet the other morning... and then I walked in to find this! Those big climbers. But they were all very sweet and happy!

Oliver likes things in order. He spends a lot of his play time grouping things and put them in their place. So the other day when he called me in, I wasn't shocked to see this... but it did bring a smile to my face to see his personality on display.

"Look mom, four Buzzes"

And of course little sister didn't want to be left out

We've been spending a lot of time in the water since summer has turned on the heat full blast here in Texas. Here are my two matching "bathing beauties." The bigger two have been taking swimming lessons since January and have really gotten it down. Oliver can swim on his own and is rapidly learning how to come up and take a breath. So very soon, there won't be a pool length too far for that little man. He has finally overcome his fear of the water and we are so proud of and amazed at his progress. Gabriella has no fear of the water which works to her advantage. She can also swim on her own for a few feet and as she gets older will start being able to do more as her gross motor skills develop. But she is well on her way!

We've had lots of fun play dates with our friends since our normal activities have wrapped up for the summer. Here are the kids with our some of our best friends who thankfully happen to also be our neighbors. We love our friends!
We're continuing swim lessons through the summer, doing a few weeks of preschool summer camp, looking forward to an awesome VBS at our church and I am planning a weekly Preschool Playdate with some friends at our house... where we can learn and have fun! We're looking forward to these and many more adventures this summer... namely taking a cruise with our family and an airplane trip to Seattle to visit friends! Yay for summer!