Monday, May 17, 2010

Remodeling of sorts

Our household makeup is up for remodeling. We are working to prepare for a new introduction coming at the end of June, but in the meantime, we had to make a hard decision that removed one of our household regulars. We had to put our dog Kuzco to sleep last Sunday. We found out that he had very advanced prostate cancer that had caused his bladder to get so enlarged that it was shutting down his other organs. We saw it on the x-ray and it was pretty extreme. So we made the hard decision to forgo doggie chemo and put him down before the bladder got so full it ruptured which would have been extremely painful. We were very sad as we had him for 7 years - almost our whole marriage. We are doing ok with it now - and it will definitely make our lives simpler in time for the arrival of our new baby.

Gabriella decided she wanted to hand-feed Kuzco one day when he wasn't feeling well...
sweet girl!

This weekend, we made our last trip before the baby comes down to Fulshear to visit my family. Everyone was in town for Emily's college graduation so it was great to see everyone. We all enjoyed getting to celebrate Emily!

We also got to celebrate my sister Megan who is having a baby in August with a "Beck Girls" baby shower. We went to a cute little cafe in Fulshear and really enjoyed our girl time.

All the girls


Gabriella's really into making silly faces for pictures now. Here she is modeling one of her silly faces at Megan's shower.

Pregnant Sisters

Gabriella was good at opening presents too

Ready for naptime!

Another silly face

My super cool man - he LOVES going to Meme and Pepe's house and had a blast on the trampoline, in the pool, and with all of their toys and books!

Just love the sweet smile on that baby face!

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