Saturday, September 18, 2010

Off to school

Our preschool recently started up again and the kids were ready to go! Gabriella was VERY excited as this is her first year in preschool and she has been dying to start! She was especially excited that "Mommy would go bye-bye." She is a very independent little girl. She would cry and get mad when I would stay with her during the "Mommy and Me" classes we took this summer saying, "LEAVE!" I told her I would leave her when she started school this fall. It is so funny to me to have a child like this because when Oliver started school, he cried every time I dropped him off for a while!

Walking into school

Gabriella in her pink, sparkle shoes

Oliver is in the Cookie Monsters class this year which is the oldest class at the preschool. Yes, I know what that means. I know it means Kindergarten is the next step. I just choose not to think about that. His teachers are Ms. Harrison and Ms. Hegwood and I think he is going to learn a lot this year especially about getting ready for Kindergarten. He gets to stay for lunch this year which is new to him but yet another way I am trying to prepare him for Kindergarten next year. He wasn't too nervous, but did have his usual quietness when entering a new situation. But I was proud of him for marching right in. It doesn't hurt that he knows a number of the other kids in there already!

Putting his lunch in the lunch bin

Ms. Harrison and Ms. Hegwood

Gabriella is so proud to be in the Gingerbreads class. She was beaming when we got the call from her teacher inviting us to "Meet The Teacher" day before school started. Her teacher had left a message on the answering machine and we had to listen to it twice because she was so excited! She also gets to stay for lunch since picking the kids up at two different times so close together didn't make much sense.

Putting her stuff down under the red "Gabriella" star!

Giving her friend Olivia a hug hello.

With Ms. Marlene

...and Ms. Cheryl

They are just going one day a week to preschool with other activities throughout the week as well. So we are busy and working on transitioning into our new fall schedule. Getting all 3 kids and myself ready and out the door on time is definitely a challenge. But with Daddy's help, we think we've stumbled upon a procedure that will work. We are looking forward to our fall activities and I am happy to have some time during the week while they are playing at school to get somethings done and get some one-on-one time with my sweet baby (pictured below just because she is cute).

1 comment:

Megan and Travis said...

thats so funny that gabby wanted you to leave at your mommy and me classes! her and oli look so cute all ready for school!