Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The rest of our vacation

My last post told about the fun weekend we spent at my sister's wedding. There are still 7 more days of my vacation to talk about! So after the wedding festivities ended, we drove in a caravan of 6 cars filled with my Dad's family toward the Fulshear Beck Homestead. There, we proceeded to spend 3 days with 30+ people under one roof! Suffice it to say it was a wild time. We counted 20 people in their pool at one time. There was lots of swimming, basketball playing, volleyball games, trampoline jumping, shooting pool, and eating! Gabriella had her first dip in a swimming pool and was not a fan - it did not last for long. But she sure did look cute in her bathing suit and matching sun hat!

Oliver and Aunt "Beg-Beg" jumping on the Texas-sized "shoopaline" aka trampoline

We went to the Rain forest Cafe for lunch one day - a reservation for 24 - where Oliver got completely freaked out by all of the life-like animals way too close for comfort. His biggest run-in was with a very large snake near the entrance. If you ask him, he will show you exactly how his tongue moved in and out in a menacing manner. He also was not a big fan of the simulated thunderstorms that occurred periodically throughout the meal. Although all of this was traumatizing at the time, if you ask him about it today - he will say "Fun at rain forest."

We also had time that week to help my sister Megan prepare for her wedding... picking out bridesmaid dresses, helping her get her bridal portraits taken, and attending the first of two scheduled Bachelorette parties! I won't post a picture here of her bridal portraits for fear of Travis seeing them, but believe me - they were BEAUTIFUL! I also had the opportunity to meet up with my high school buddy Stacey and her 3 week old daughter Kate. It was fun to catch up and impart some of my "mommy wisdom" on her.

The Dillards with Stacey and Kate at one of Oliver's favorite places - McDonalds. I love Gabriella's face in this picture!

The weekend wrapped up with yet another wedding reception for my sister Natalie and her new husband Matt. We welcomed them home from their honeymoon in the Dominican Republic with a reception in Houston for those who didn't make it to Austin for the wedding. It was another fun evening of seeing old friends and once again, celebrating the newlyweds. Good times!

Mr. and Mrs. Bachop

Mommy and Ella at the reception

Aunt Emmy cuddling little Gabby

And of course, Little Man

We had a great trip but are glad to be back home and no longer living out of a suitcase. Although, I think Oliver would rather live at "Mimi and Peepee's House" where he is king!

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