This year was a much more stable one than last year. Although changes are interesting and challenging, it is nice every once in a while to just have a little more stability! No cross-country moves or childbirths to report this year :) I started blogging almost 1 year ago - so, if you are interested, you can find more details about most of the things listed below by digging back in my blog archives.
We started off the year in a fun way - spending a week in Hawaii with my family. It was a busy trip with two kiddos in tow, but we got to see some amazing sites: the Hawaii landscape, Pearl Harbor, Waikiki Beach, and a land called Hanalei. We also made a trip back to Phoenix in late February to visit our friends there. It was a good trip to reconnect with old friends!
Mother's Day was an extra special one for me this year. That day I not only celebrated being a mom to two amazing kids, but we dedicated Gabriella to the Lord at our church that morning. We were blessed to have our families in attendance and enjoyed celebrating her life and the blessing she is to our family!
This summer, I was once again counting my blessings that we lived within driving distance of my family. Two of my sisters got married this summer. Natalie married Matt Bachop in May in Austin. Megan married Travis Hulse in July in Houston. So between the bachelorette parties, bridal showers, dress fittings, and wedding planning (times two), we spent lots of time on the freeways of Texas. But I wouldn't have wanted it any other way! We were so glad to be a part of their special days! And the weddings in our family aren't quite over yet. Matt's brother Daniel proposed to his sweet girlfriend Stephanie this summer and we are so happy she said yes! They will be getting married this coming March.
Also this summer, we took at trip up to Utah to visit my extended family there for a 75+ person Beck Family Reunion! It was a wild time as usual, but so great to reconnect with everyone. We even revived a Beauty Pageant that all of the girls in the family put on 20 years ago. But this time, it was our daughters performing instead of us. It was a special time and fun to see things come full circle.
We have enjoyed getting closer to people in our neighborhood and at our church as well as seeing our families very often... which was the reason we moved back to Texas in the first place! What a blessing that has been! I have also really enjoyed experiencing more of the seasons. Now I know we are still behind a lot of the country in the drastic nature of the seasons. But coming from Phoenix, Arizona - Dallas has been a true delight in that area. It had been so long since I experienced a true spring... things turning green again, flowers budding, the weather warming, etc. I just loved it and can't wait for the coming spring as well. I don't think I ever would have counted spring as my favorite season. But after experiencing it here last year, it just may have moved to the top of my list!
Gabriella turned 1 year old in October and it was great to have so many friends and family there to celebrate with us. It has been so fun to watch her grow and to see her little personality emerge. She currently enthralls us with her lion roar impersonation and her heart-melting smile. She is walking like a pro and I fully expect to see her take off running any day now. She loves reading books and will walk to the shelf, bring you a book, and turn around and sit in your lap for as long as you will let her.
Oliver just turned 3 years old this month. He is wowing us every day with the sentences he puts together. We are sometimes left wondering "where did you learn that?" Conversations with him are the best and we are starting to see his imagination emerge. He is really enjoying being "silly" right now and we often make up our own words to songs to make them silly enough for him. He started attending preschool one day a week this fall which was a big adjustment for mommy... but he ran right in to the classroom the first day and has never looked back. He loves it and I love that he has something that fills him up so much. We talk about his friends at school constantly and I know that even that little bit of independence is growing him into the man he will become some day.
It is humbling to be a part of these amazing little lives and I am thankful I get to be mommy to Oliver and Gabriella. I do stay super busy staying at home with my two bundles of energy. Even though not all of the days are easy, there is no place else I'd rather be every day.
Matt is still finding success at his job at NeoTool and continually impresses me with his dedication to his job and his superior talent at what he does. We are so thankful for all that he does to provide for our family. The kids adore him and love the time each night when Daddy comes home. Oliver is usually good for a big running hug and Gabriella starts shrieking from wherever she is in the house and takes off as fast as her little legs will carry her toward the back door. It is a sweet sight and a true testament to how much the love their Daddy.
Well, that's all I have for now. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy 2009 as well!