Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A helpful website for the |organizer| in you

Continuing on in my "helpful website" series... Today's helpful website is for the |organizer| in you - OrganizedHome.com.

Do you need some help running your home? Get organized with checklists, articles, tips and printables from OrganizedHome.com. I stumbled upon this site about 6 months ago and LOVE it. It has been so helpful to me - especially in creating a Household Notebook. Never heard of such? A Household Notebook is "A standard-sized binder stocked with calendars and schedules, planner forms and inventories, [that] creates a one-stop information center for busy families. Whether it's a carpool schedule or a co-worker's phone number, the Household Notebook holds the information you need to check each day." The site also has a blog that you can subscribe to using Google Reader (one of my earlier "helpful websites") that will supply you with little organization tips every once in a while to get your "organized" side jump-started.

I created my Household Notebook using their forms and customized it to meet my needs. It has been so helpful! My favorites are the meal planning forms and the "To-Do" list forms. Also helpful is the "Family Yellow Pages" form where you can record contact information for vendors and services you use frequently so you don't have to look them up every time you need to use them.

Most moms have so much going on that anything that can simply life and save time is a life-saver. I hope this is something that can help you do just that! Leave me a comment and let me know if it works for the |organizer| in you!

Link to Organized Home: http://www.organizedhome.com

Link to Organized Home's Household Notebook page: http://www.organizedhome.com/household-notebook


ASC said...

I, too, love this website! I've been using their "Countdown to Christmas" printables for years! I use a Franklin Covey organizer with calendar and lists etc to accomplish the same thing as your family planner. Don't you love it! :-) Great stuff.

Jennifer said...

I love it! I have never used this site but I do have a "notebook." This will help me get it even more organized. I can't wait to explore the site more.