Saturday, February 9, 2008

A Little Light Reading

Ever since I became pregnant with Oliver, I have been fascinated by the way the human body works. I was amazed at all of the things I learned about my body while it was the home for my growing baby boy. So I'm finally getting around to pursuing that interest in the form of the following textbook:

No I am not thinking of pursuing medical school, just pursuing an interest. I am in Chapter 2 so far and am learning a lot of medical terminology and the basic layout of the body. It has been enriching and challenging - something that I am proud to be taking the time to do. It helps me keep my mind challenged beyond knowing the names of all of the characters on Sesame Street. I encourage you all to find ways to stimulate your mind by pursuing something that's always been interesting to you but you've never taken the time to do. Leave me a comment if you do and let me know what you are digging into.

I'll end my post with a cute picture of my son. We are having BEAUTIFUL weather here today in Plano, 66 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Oliver was outside playing with his friend Barney and taking him on the slide. You'll notice from the following picture however, that his new found LOVE of all things television has prompted him to now carry around DVDs as if they are his friends and take them on the slide.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I think that is so great you are pursuing an interest. It is often hard to have the energy after a long day but it is so worth it. In the past couple of years I have been diving into world religions and some early history of civilization. I have learned a lot of interesting things and am constantly checking out books from the library on these subjects.