Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Yet another benefit to living back in Texas

Tomorrow we are heading out for a long weekend vacation to visit our friends in Phoenix. This is one of the few vacations we've taken since we've been married that hasn't been to visit family. While we loved coming back to Texas to visit our family while we were living in Arizona, it is so nice that we get to see them so much now that we can use airline miles and vacation money to do an actual family vacation. I am so looking forward to seeing all of our friends again and lots of new babies... as well as showing off my new baby! Here's hoping the kids do well on the flight. Fortunately this flight will be nothing compared to the long Hawaii flight we took over Christmas. I mentioned to Oliver today that we were going on an airplane tomorrow to get him excited. But he looked back at me, clearly remembering the too long Hawaii flight, and said "no plane." Hmm... also when we took my mother-in-law to the airport a few weeks ago he started crying while we were dropping her off at curbside check-in saying "no air-mane." So we'll see what he thinks about it tomorrow. At least we'll have Elmo, Barney and The Wiggles along with us on the DVD player to offer him some comfort and distraction. Bon Voyage!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Have a wonderful trip! I hope all goes well.