Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Horn Creek - Day 2

Sunday was our first full day at Horn Creek and it was a full one... yet different from all of the other days schedule-wise. The normal schedule of the week was free time in the mornings, lunch, and then free time in the afternoon. But on Sunday, we started the day with breakfast and then a worship service. There is something about worship at camp... when you are feeling close to God already just from being in nature... and then throw in a relaxed, vacation attitude and a smaller group of people all completely focused on singing praises to God. Amazing. We heard from our speaker again that morning and each time he really challenged me personally to reflect on my relationship with God and how I am living my life for him. It was great to spend time focusing on that every day for a week. Honestly, I don't always dedicate that much time every day in my regular life to reflecting on how God has made me and how he wants to use me. So I really appreciated the Biblical teaching we received and the impact it made in my life.

The kids napped after lunch, and Matt's parent's were gracious enough to sit in the Lodge while Matt and I headed down to the Rec Center to sign up for a horse back riding trip as an anniversary celebration... 7 years (more on that in coming days). After naps, we played outside in the beautiful weather. One of the main things I loved about this vacation was that we didn't have the normal responsibilities of life (making meals, laundry, cleaning, etc.). We were there to just spend time together as a family... and play! So play we did. Sunday afternoon's play consisted of the American classic - baseball.

Father and son got their gloves on and Gabby got in on the action as well. But before the serious baseball playing could get started, Oliver had to run inside and take care of some business... that's right, Oliver is POTTY TRAINED! And he did it the day we left for camp!! He stayed clean the whole time in the car, used the rest stop and gas station bathrooms like a pro (except for the scary/loud hand dryers), and continually let us know when he needed to go. This is HUGE people - for you other parents out there, I know you understand! We are so proud of him - it's been a long time in coming, but when he learned how to let us know BEFORE it was time to go, it made all of the difference in the world!

Gabby "enjoying" nature while we waited for the boys to come back from the potty break

Our "Texas Girl" getting ready to play

LOVE him in that hat!!

This boy has got an arm!

The kids were worn out after dinner and Round-Up so off to bed they went. But Matt and I still had a big evening ahead of us... because Sunday night is Hanging Log night. Now, since I was new to Horn Creek, I was trying to understand what this meant. I had heard something about a log hanging from the rafters, mattresses, pillows, hmmmm. Well it all made sense soon enough and we enjoyed watching all the little kids take each other on. But Matt and I decided that watching wasn't enough. Check out the video below to see what the phrase "Hanging Log Night" REALLY means... and enjoy the happy ending!

The Mean Mean Mama vs. The Smooth Nougat

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